ZMay61 Reflection Week 4
Our reading this week included methods in eDNA using suspended particulate matter. This study went through applications in attempts to detect fish species in German river systems. These SPM sampling used sediment traps and different eDNA extractions kits. 29 taxa were resolved using metabarcoding after sediment DNA was extracted using First-Magnetic Forensic Kit (GEN-IAL), Nucleo Spin Soil Kit (Macherey–Nagel), DNeasy PowerSoil Kit (QIAGEN) and a modifcation of the protocol (overnight incubation in lysis bufer) of Power Soil Kit. SPM collection and extraction did not seem like it was well thoughtout. Many things are also different from how we as a cohort are conducting our research, but did make some good points as to think about our methods. Pooling samples together does not seem like it would be a preferred method as a snapshot by day week or month. There is also the question of aggregating DNA and degredation. This is a problem that does not give an accurate representation of the samples. This is also the case that they knew what they were looking for being species specific in the rivers. It does justify that the tradition methods of assessment do find same species, but does not take into account other species, invasives, etc. Our eDNA research for sustainable fisheries and management would take points from this study to provide these day, week, month, year snapshots for overall data that could be used. This would result in a more expansive data set and comparison for the environment and ecosystem protection or restoration.